Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The truth about Zeus...

Another of my previous blogs I thought pertained to the class. As I've been looking over my notes to study for the upcoming exam, I realized how many times that Zeus was mentioned. Now, I'm posting this so no one gets the wrong idea bout him, and actually thinks he's a nice guy...
The entire time I was reading 'The Metamorphoses' of Ovid all I could think about was how big of a jerk Zeus was! I couldn't believe how many women that he had raped, and how every other story was about his atrocities. I had a naive view of him, the view of him from the Disney's 'Hercules', and reading these stories led me to understand who he really was, and that his wife was not as horrible as everyone thought she was. I think it's understandable for her to be angry when her husband was out every weekend with another woman. I would be angry too. I think the most horrible part about his raping sprees was that all the women that he raped were not only virgins, they were also rejected and humiliated by their fathers afterwards. I cannot imagine being raped, then because of it being excommunicated from my family. How horrible!! I personally hate Zeus because of this, and will never be able to watch Disney's 'Hercules' again!

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