Monday, December 8, 2008

Wednesday, November 19

is for vixen.

His Dark Materials cont.:
  • 'stark realist' = Pullman
  • IDEA of north vs north itself
  • Wallace Stevens' poems about north: colder and more formal, reality is frigid?
  • Mrs. Coulter= mommy dearest

  • Pullman's atheistic views vs Tolkien and Lewis' christian views: people believe that is is evil because of the writer, who is to say that the others aren't just as evil? Are they considered christian simply because of the writers christian views? TRUST THE TALE, NOT THE TELLER!
  • Sacrifice: key element
  • catharsis: liberating experience
  • the nature of the dividing instrument is a metaphor: symbol for the imagination
  • it is the imagination that connects us to our animals
  • "not about the real, but the hypothetical' N. Frye
  • literature is not about the real, it's about the possible

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